Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Now a days , this two term has been a controversial issue . Some thinkers regards the word management and administration as one and some others regards these two are different. So we can point out the two concept to know this clear concept.

American School Of Thought :

"Administration is higher than management."

British School Of Thought :

"Management is higher than administration"

Thus, in actual both are different in nature having great value. So both are important.


The few major principal of management are given below:

1) Principal of policy making
2)Principal of proper balance
3) Principal of planning
4) Principal of co - operation
5) Principal of leadership
6) Principal of exceptional
7) Principal of standarization
8) Principal of financial incentives
9)Principal of right man at right chair
10) Principal of individual effectiveness

Thus, these are some essential principal of management.


Profession refers to any occupation by which a person earn a life hood , for a practice their profession . They must have minimum academic and profession qualification prescribed by law.
Some feature of profession are given below:

1) Specialized knowledge
2) Competent application
3) Social Responsibility
4) Community sanction
5) Self control

Management is not a profession like others, profession even though it is taken as profession there is social recognization to the management as a profession.


The word science is a systematized body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation and which is capable of verification .

The essential feature of science are as follows:

1) Systematic body of knowledge
2) Continue observation
3) Universal application
4) Cause and effect relationship

So, management is a science but not a pure science like physics and chemistry . It is a social science.


Every art is concerned with creation of something . Management is the most creative art as personal skill and vast knowledge are necessary to achieve pre - determined goal. The essential element of art are given below:

1) Personal skill
2) Practical knowledge
3) Result oriented approach
4) Creativity
5) Regular practice

In conclusion , obviously management satisfy all feature of art so management is an art.


There are a lots of functions of management . Some of them are mentioned below:

1) Planning
2) Organizing
3) Controlling
4) Staffing
5) Leading

In all the organization such types of functions are seen .Due to these functions of management its importance is increasing more in todays modern world.